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Only Spain Boutique

Hotel Patria Chica

I fell in love with this hotel on sight, on screen. The gardens, the museum pieces, it´s overall charm. It only got better on arrival. Beautiful, old wooden doors, lovely tiled entrance, more wooden doors, it was like stepping into a museum. That is exactly what Hotel Patria Chica is a hotel – museum.

Hotel Patria Chica
Hotel Patria Chica

It´s a gorgeous, old manor house, still in the same family, sensitively turned into a hotel while retaining its character and sharing its history with the world.

Located in the heart of Priego de Cordoba, a charming town, Hotel Patria Chica offers modern comforts within 1915 style architecture, an absolute joy. With an interior patio in the middle of the building and a shady garden/ patio at the back there´s plenty of space to enjoy a drink, dinner al fresco or just relax.

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Hotel Patria Chica´s Garden
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Interior Patio

Lots of charm, antiques, history make this personally run hotel a delight. A seamless blending of old and new, and an oasis in the almost 40c heat which we had for our heatwave visit.

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Our bedroom

A relaxing stay, oozing with artefacts and furnishings from other times, just lovely.

For more information see Hotel Patrica Chica´s website (only in Spanish I´m afraid,) or see Hotel Patria Chica on Booking.

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